Where Does Your Money Go?

(: Hello Friends :)

Shortly after finding our footing in homeschooling, I began my own journey towards healing the self-destructive, auto-pilot patterns. The same ones you may be experiencing that left me struggling to build a life that made me and my family happy or whole. As I worked through and healed the many layers of conditioning and hurt I had been buried under for so long, an old passion re-emerged and is now on center stage - helping others heal.

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When I was little, I was fascinated by the human body and actually wanted to be a surgeon. My dad used to find me staying up late watching surgery channels, telling him to ‘come check out this eyeball they were operating on!’ Hah, seriously though, I find the human body to be absolutely amazing and wonderful!! Throughout life, this theme carried on and I even started college taking classes for that path. But then as it always does, life happened and I never followed through on becoming a surgeon. I also wanted to start a family and the idea of working those kinds of hours wouldn’t allow for it the way I wanted it. Funny thing though, as we began building our family, my path took me right back into the medical world - just not like I could have ever imagined it would.

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Long story short…two of my children were born with airway defects and a whole bunch of sensitivities. We started out relying on our modern medical system’s approach to healing….a toolbox full of pharmaceuticals. But, just like public schools, we very quickly discovered it wasn’t working for us either. They were getting sicker and I was being told to ‘just pray and hope he made it to the age where his lungs would be big enough to cope’ and that ‘he would most likely be dependent on the medications for the rest of his life’. I wasn’t willing to accept that answer, so I started digging. My admiration and fascination with the body became my superpower as I dug and found new ways to help them. Alternative therapies, holistic approaches, and old ways of doing things - these boys are now defying their medical diagnosis’ and thriving again without the help of any pharmaceuticals!

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After experiencing the journey through these older medical systems and holistic approaches to treating illness and then combining it with the tools and wisdom I received navigating the inner childhood trauma and somatic healing world, I now understand why I never became a surgeon. So many of the things that hurt us today are so deeply rooted and ingrained in us. Sure we can try to medicate our symptoms or attempt to cut it out of us, but the roots always remain and the patterns continue until we address them. As many of you may have experienced before, our modern medical system is really good at applying bandages, but not so much at curing or going after the root.

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So here I am now, with a whole different bag of tools, perspectives and my passion for helping others truly heal their roots. I am on a mission to travel around the country bringing awareness to the roots and patterns many of us have that are stunting our growth. At each of my booths, people are sharing their stories and I am offering tools and wisdom that helped me dig up my own roots. My work is all about helping others carve out a new path towards healing and to get growing again.

Everything we make at our shows or online goes right back into the next show or class, to help the next person and eventually right into the big picture plan… finding a place to build a safe space for people to do their own digging. A place where they can begin healing the many layers they have been burying them too. Imagine how amazing this world could be if many of us could dig up these roots and clear them out. Being able to respond to life, co-creating with one another instead of REACTING from a hurt place and just pushing our hurt onto one another….that is the goal and that is where all of your money is going towards!

Thank you for all of your love and support for this mission.
So much love to you and yours from us and ours.

~ Christin Sheahan ~